Our team consists of a General Manager and eighteen Mentors. Our work is governed by a dedicated board of trustees.

Glen Paddison – Chairman
Glenn is the minister of Abide Community Church Auckland, based in East Manurewa. He is married with 3 children. Glenn holds a Masters in Theology and a Batchelor of Education and was previously a Deputy Principal in West Auckland, before becoming a Youth Pastor and then an ordained minister. Glenn has worked with youth and children in these various capacities for over 20 years at local and regional levels both in and outside the classroom.

Bill Grayson BSc, FNZIC – Trustee
Bill currently practises as a Consultant Chemist and Forensic Analyst; his skills are frequentlysought throughout NZ. He was formerly the principal of W. Grayson and Associates Ltd, one ofthe largest private analytical laboratories in New Zealand. Bill holds a Bachelor of Science from Auckland university and he is also a Trustee for The Village Charitable Trust and Brothers in Arms (which he co-founded).

Brian Dickens – Trustee & Treasurer
Brian has a background in business management, administration, and financial management. In recent years he has worked for several Christian charitable trusts in the area of administration and has recently retired as administrator for the National Office of ACTS Churches NZ (formerly the Apostolic Church Movement of NZ). Over the years Brian has been involved in church eldership and operated as a licensed Lay Minister in the Anglican diocese of Wellington. Since coming to Auckland in 2000 he has been involved in church planting and leadership in several churches and has a heart for people to grow in their relationship with God. In 2008 Brian was instrumental in setting up New Foundations as part of a vision that he and his Wife Sue had in reaching out and helping at-risk youth in South Auckland
Stacey-Anne Pasi – Trustee
My name is Stacey-Anne Pasi. I've lived in Manurewa since 2008 when I moved here from the South Island to pursue a career in teaching and currently a qualified Primary School Teacher.
I'm married to Sunia and we recently celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We have 6 children, our oldest is 9 and youngest is just 5 months.

Rupert Ross – Trustee
Rupert has over two decades of people management and leadership experience. He is highly regarded as an engaging public speaker, trainer and facilitator. Particularly interested in growing capacity in people; business planning; coaching; team building and organisational change – he went back as an adult student, gaining a degree in applied management with a major in business transformation and change. Strong on relationship building and partner engagement, he has wide organisational experience from corporate, government, through to not for profit and for-purpose.

Samuel Miller – Trustee
My name is Samuel Miller, I am 22 years old and have lived in Manurewa
all my life. I attended Alfriston College and I am passionate about
seeing youth In south Auckland succeed and grow in all areas. Most of
the work I have done has involved working with youth. I am currently
studying at alphacrucis college to gain a bachelor's in contemporary
ministry. I work part time at Manurewa East primary school as a
learning assistant.

Petula Maringi Carla Teaurima - Trustee
Ko Ruapehu, Pirongia, Kakepuku ngā Maunga.
Ko Waikato, Waipa ngā awa.
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Apakura, Waikato, Maniapoto ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Hine, Rangiamoa ngā hapu
Ko Whatihua te whare tipuna
Ko Fred Kaa toku papa
Ko Puhanga Tohora te Maunga
Ko Taheke te awa
Ko Nga toki Matawhaorua te waka
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Ngāti Pakau te hapu
Ko Pukerata te marae
Ko Kararaina Harris tōku mama
Ko Moanaroa Teaurima tōku hoa Rangatira
Ko Manurewa to kainga noho.
I grew up in Manurewa, met my husband in Otara and brought my first home in Mangere. My children are all grown up and doing well. I have 3 mokopuna aged between 1-2 years old.
I have worked; Inland Revenue in Child Support, Creative Learning Scheme (Alternative Education), Founder of New Foundation Trust, Future Skills, Strive Community Trust, Masters Early Learning (Homebased Learning ECE), Genesis Youth Trust, Te Roopu Taurima (Intellectual and Mental Health Services) and Oranga Tamariki.
I hold a bachelor’s in social work as a Toiora Whānau Practioner, I also hold a Post Graduate Diploma in Kaitiakitanga (Bicultural Supervision). I am graduating with my Masters in Applied Indigenous Knowledge on 28/06/2022 and the concept of this exegesis is to embrace the practice of Whiria te Tangata, Whiria te Whakapapa which represents the practice of EMPOWERMENT.

Sue Dickens – General Manager
Sue has been a Transition Mentor for NFT since its inception and brings vast cross-cultural experience as a youth worker and mentor in South Auckland. She has been a transition mentor in alternative education, a Youth worker for II MUCH Trust under Manurewa Police, a School Chaplain at James Cook High School and continues to be a lay Advocate to Youth Courts manukau. Sue has a background in business management and holds a Certificate in Youth Work level 3 (NZQA) and has completed a wide range of relevant courses including Drug Arm Training; child counselling for ADD, ADHD, abuse and behavioural issues.
“I’m passionate about the youth of New Zealand. A lot of young people have no hope and it’s our responsibility as adults to pass it on. Showing them someone believes in them; they are worth something.When one of them comes up to me – who had everything against them – and says, “miss, I’m still here. Do you remember me?” They’re now Year 13 and I see the joy and hope in their face. They feel success. That’s what it’s all about.”

Sunia Pasi – Program & Mentor Manager
Sunia, who is born-bred in Manurewa, understands the challenges our young people confront daily. His passion is to motivate and support young people in fulfilling their potential. His background includes completing a Bachelor in Sports management at Unitec, in addition coaching the James Cook High School First-thirteen Rugby league team, and is currently employed as a Youth Coach at Manukau New Life church. Sunia’s wife is a qualified teacher at a local Primary school, as well as a Youth Director at their church, is passionate about young people succeeding in life.

Monique Kauri – Program & Mentor Manager
I’m Monique Kauri. I have been married for 10 years and have 5 daughters. I have always had a heart for the under-dog and the hurting. After leaving school I joined TEAM EXTREME teaching life skills to young people through drama, games and stories. I left there to have my children.
I am married to a Maori who is passionate about his culture and through him I have gained an understanding of the needs of Maori young people. In 2014 I felt my heart calling me back into working with young people and came across New Foundations Trust who work extensively with vulnerable Maori young people in South Auckland. I am motivated by seeing how advice and encouragement can assist a young person to make positive decisions that impact their life.